6 Tips on How to Pet-Proof Your Home for New Pet Owners in Lebanon

Welcoming a new pet into your home is an exciting time filled with anticipation and joy. However, it’s also the moment to take a step back and look at your home through the eyes of your new companion. Just as we baby-proof a house for a toddler, it’s crucial to pet-proof your home to prevent accidents and ensure your pet’s safety. Here’s a comprehensive room-by-room guide for new pet owners in Lebanon to create a safe haven for your furry family members.

1- Living Room

The living room is where families spend a lot of time together, and it’s important to make it safe for pets.

  • Secure Loose Wires: Pets, especially puppies and kittens, love to chew on things. Keep electrical cords out of reach or cover them with cord protectors.
  • Mind the Plants: Many common houseplants are toxic to animals. Ensure any plants in your living room are pet-safe.
  • Furniture and Pets: Keep small objects that can be swallowed out of reach and consider using furniture covers to protect both your pet and your sofas.

2- Secure Loose Wires

The living room is where families spend a lot of time together, and it’s important to make it safe for pets.

  • Trash and Recycling: Keep trash cans and recycling bins behind secured doors or use cans with lids to prevent pets from getting into something harmful.
  •  Food Safety: Many human foods are dangerous to pets. Keep foods out of reach and be mindful of what falls on the floor during cooking.
  •  Cleaning Supplies: Store all cleaning agents in locked cabinets. Even if stored under the sink, a curious pet might find its way in.

3- Kitchen

A hub of activity, the kitchen can be particularly dangerous for pets.

  • Trash and Recycling: Keep trash cans and recycling bins behind secured doors or use cans with lids to prevent pets from getting into something harmful.
  • Food Safety: Many human foods are dangerous to pets. Keep foods out of reach and be mindful of what falls on the floor during cooking.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Store all cleaning agents in locked cabinets. Even if stored under the sink, a curious pet might find its way in.

4- Bathroom

Bathrooms can pose various risks to pets, from medications to toilet water.

  • Medication Storage: Always store medications in cabinets, far from the curious paws and noses of pets.
  • Toilet Lid: Keep the toilet lid closed to prevent pets from drinking or falling into the water.
  • Secure the Trash: Bathroom trash often contains small items that can be hazardous if ingested.

5- Bedroom

While the bedroom may seem like a safe place, there are hidden dangers to consider.

  •  Laundry and Small Items: Keep laundry picked up, as small items like socks can be ingested, causing blockages.
  • Window Screens: Ensure that window screens are secure to prevent falls, especially in high-rise buildings.

6- Balcony

This area can be especially hazardous for pets.

  • Chemicals and Tools: Store all chemicals on high shelves or in locked cabinets and keep sharp tools out of reach.
  • Balcony Safety for pets: If you have a balcony, ensure the railing is secure and there’s no space for a pet to slip through or get stuck.

General Tips

  • Pet Emergency Kit: Always have a pet first-aid kit and the number for your vet or an emergency animal hospital readily available.
  • Choking Hazards: Regularly check your home for small objects that could become choking hazards.
  • Escape Routes: Be mindful of open doors and windows. Pets can be quick to slip out unnoticed.

In conclusion, pet-proofing your home doesn’t just keep your pet safe; it also gives you peace of mind. At Petmart, we understand that your pet is part of your family, and their safety is your top priority. We’re here to provide you with the products and advice you need to ensure your home is a safe environment for your new companion. From pet-safe plants to secure trash cans, we have everything you need to make your home a pet haven. 

Remember, a safe pet is a happy pet – and that makes for a happy home.

For more tips on pet care and safety, visit us at at our Shops in Petmart Jal el Dib, or Citymall and soon in Achrafieh and have our specialists and veterinaries assist you in your needs and questions!

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