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HomeShopDogAccessoriesFlexi Dog Leash New Comfort Tape


XS Cord:
•For little dogs, cats and other small animals up to max. 12 kg
•Particularly sturdy tape
•Comfortable braking system
•Soft grip
•Product weight: 120 g approx.
Small Cord:
•For dogs up to max. 15 kg
•Particularly sturdy tape
•Comfortable braking system
•Soft grip
•Can be customized with LED Lighting System
•Can be customized with Multi Box
•Product weight: 220 g approx.
Medium Cord:
•For dogs up to max. 25 kg
•Particularly sturdy tape
•Customized handle adjustment system
•Comfortable braking system
•Soft grip
•Can be customized with LED Lighting System
•Can be customized with Multi Box
•Product weight: 300 g approx.