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HomeShopBirds1Food7BVersele Laga Prestige Tropical Finches Seed Mixture (1kg)


panicum yellow 42%, yellow millet 28%, japanese millet 11.5%, canary seed 8,5%, red millet 5%, panicum red 4%, niger seed 1%
Analytical constituents:
crude protein 12%, crude fat 4.5%, crude fibre 8%, crude ash 3.4%, calcium 0.045%, phosphorus 0.325%, lysine 0.26%, methionine 0.26%, threonine 0.37%
Directions for use:
Your birds will be in top condition when they regularly get a
supplement of eggfood, vitamins and/or minerals (e.g. Orlux Gold Patee Tropical
finches, Oropharma Omni-Vit or Orlux Clay Bloc Mini).
Refresh feed and drinking water in time.