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HomeShopBirdsVersele Laga Traditional Moulting Subliem (25kg)


red maize 22%, small cribs maize 2%, maple peas 4%, dun peas 8%, yellow peas 9%, large green peas 3%, tares 3%, mung beans 1.5%, white pigeon wheat 12%, white dari 4%, red dari 4%, safflower 3%, pigeon barley 10%, paddy rice 3%, broken rice 1%, peeled oats 1%, small striped sunflower seeds 1%, hempseed 1.5%, buckwheat 1%, canary seed 1%, yellow millet 1.5%, brown linseed 2%, black coleseed 1.5%
Analytical constituents:
crude protein 13.5%, crude fat 5.5%, crude fibre 5%, crude ash 2.5%, carbohydrates 60.5%
Directions for use:
On average, 30 g of feed per day per pigeon. Always provide fresh drinking water.
In combination with Colombine Success-Corn Plus I.C.⁺ for an even better result. During the moulting, the pigeons may be fed sufficiently, so they are able to change their entire plumage. Pay attention, though, that when the pigeons do not go outside, they do not get too fat.